Thursday, August 13, 2015

August 8, 2015, meeting of National Cemetery improvement board

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RNCIC Minutes Aug. 8 Meeting‏

RNCIC Minutes Aug. 8 Meeting

To: Jim Glover, Gary Culp, Tom Ruck, Ron Butler, Lorna Sterrett, Jake Lamkins, Harold Crivello, Peggy McClain, Roger McClain, Merle Williams, Aubrey Shepherd, Wes Stites, Josh Sakon
P. O. Box 4221
Minutes from the August 8, 2015, Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President, Ron Butler, at 10:00  a.m. at the American Legion Post 27 in Fayetteville, AR.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Harold offered the prayer.
Board members present: Ron Butler, Harold Crivello, Gary Culp, Jim Glover, Jake Lamkins, Peggy McClain, Roger McClain, Tom Ruck, Merle Williams and Lorna Sterrett.  Board members absent: Josh Sakon, Wes Stites, and Aubrey Shepherd.  Other RNCIC members present:  None.  Visitors present:  None.
Minutes of the July meeting were presented.  Roger made the motion to accept the minutes as written, it was seconded by Jake, and the vote was unanimous. 
The Financial Report for the month of July 2015, was presented with an ending cash balance on July 31 of $35,980.67.  Roger made the motion to accept the financial report as written, it was seconded by Harold, and the vote was unanimous.
Vice President / Publicity --  Merle will start advertising for the race soon.  The Board gave various suggestions for advertising media – KUAF, Media Sponsors, and a class taught by Susan Bishop at the U of A on Fund Raising, where our RNCIC information can be presented as the program, and the students actively participate with the fund raising.
Web Site --  Jake reported 42 visits to the website since his report last month.  
History Project --  Jake reported on his work on combining script with pictures.  The History Committee will need to coordinate all details for editing.
Cemetery Director --  Tom reported that the old spoils area has now been prepared for 435 in-ground cremations.  The fence is in place on the Hill Avenue properties to the west of the Cemetery.  The Committal Shelter has new landscaping, a new podium, and a faux screen has been ordered for placement in front of the storage doors at the shelter.
2015  Veterans 5K Race  -- Sponsorships are still needed with a cut-off date of approximately Nov. 1.  Items for the runners’ goody bags should be requested in addition to or in lieu of sponsorships.  It was discussed the high school and university field and track coaches should be approached for runners for the race.  Roger made the motion that if there are groups of five (5) or more, the group rate should be $10 per runner.  The motion was seconded by Harold and the vote was unanimous.  Since Josh was not at the meeting his report on the “chip timing” was tabled until the September meeting.
Lot #2 (Keister) Offer --    The owner of Lot #2 (Keister’s daughter) has not responded to the offer submitted by the RNCIC.  Other targeted interests were discussed.
2014 IRS Filing –  The report has been submitted.
Membership --  Ron stressed the importance of finding new, young members for the RNCIC.
Grants --  Ron suggested the importance of looking for grant information.  It was also suggested to keep contacting our congressmen for financial support.
Annual Reports for 2015 --  Ron reminded the officers that the Annual Reports will be coming up and due at the January 2016 meeting.
RNCIC Board Group Picture --  It is imperative that the Board be 100% in attendance at the September meeting in order to get a group picture for the history booklet.
Roger made the motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Merle, and the vote was unanimous.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lorna Sterrett, Secretary
The next regular meeting will be September 12, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at the American Legion Post 27, 1195  So. Curtis Ave, Fayetteville, AR. 
If members have suggestions for matters to be discussed at the September meeting, please notify Ron Butler at 479-445-8336 or via email at  Please don’t wait for the meeting.  They need to be included in the meeting agenda.
Please report all changes of address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. to Lorna.

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