Monday, February 23, 2015


RNCIC Minutes from Feb. 14, 2015 Meeting‏

RNCIC Minutes from Feb. 14, 2015 Meeting

9:02 PM
To: Jim Glover, Gary Culp, Ron Butler, Lorna Sterrett, Jake Lamkins, Harold Crivello, Peggy, Roger McClain, Merle Williams, Aubrey Shepherd, Wes Stites, Josh Sakon
P. O. Box 4221
Minutes from the February 14, 2015, Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President, Ron Butler, at 10:00 a.m. at the American Legion Post 27 in Fayetteville, AR.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Harold offered the prayer.
Board members present: Ron Butler, Merle Williams, Lorna Sterrett, Harold Crivello, Gary Culp, Jim Glover, Jake Lamkins, Peggy McClain, Roger McClain, and Aubrey Shepherd.  Board members absent:  Josh Sakon and Wes Stites.  Other RNCIC members present:  Cliff Madewell and Lynn Mack.  Visitors present:  Tom Ruck.
Minutes of the January meeting were presented. Jake made the motion to accept the minutes as written, it was seconded by Jim, and the vote was unanimous. 
The Financial Report dated January 2015, was presented with an ending cash balance on January 31 of $66,116.00 and a liability of $61,635.00.   Roger made the motion to accept the financial report as written, it was seconded by Merle, and the vote was unanimous.
Publicity --  Merle had nothing to report.
Merle consented to draft a letter and email it to the Board members which can be used by all in contacting our state senators and representatives regarding seeking RNCIC financial assistance from their Discretionary Funds.
Web Site --  Jake reported 44  visits to the website since his report last month. 
History Project --  Jake submitted his resignation as chair of the History Committee.  Ron appointed Lorna to assume the position.
2014  VETERANS  5K  RACE  --  Ron submitted a draft for consideration as a Race Summary in order to establish better guidelines and accountability for the annual races.
2014  ANNUAL   REPORTS --  The Annual Reports for 2014 were distributed to the membership in attendance.
2015 Financial Planning --   Merle will write a grant proposal letter directed to the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District Inc. to request Project Money to purchase Lot #2 (Keister).
Ron has made attempts to contact Mr. Jordan regarding Lots #6, 9, and 9A, via email and phone, but cannot get a response.  Ron will try to reach him with a personal visit.
Ron will contact the real estate agent and/or the executor of the estate for the Christie property on Hill Ave.,Lot #13, regarding availability.
2015  VETERANS  5K  RACE --  Ron presented a  draft organization chart  which was suggested by Jake to address (1) Race Finance, (2) Race Operations, and (3) Race Administration and Logistics.   Gary volunteered to scan the three pages and email to the Board asking for other ideas to be considered in helping with areas of the race in the future.
DISTRIBUTION  OF  OFFICIAL  RNCIC  MEETING  MINUTES --  After discussion the following was established as policy for the RNCIC Secretary.  Jim made the motion to continue distributing the Meeting Minutes to the Board members and to any other active paid members upon their request.  The motion was seconded by Merle and the vote was unanimous.  Gary made the motion to continue distributing the Agenda to the full paid membership.  The motion was seconded by Jim and the vote was unanimous.
UNSOLICITED  PROPOSALS  --  Ron read a letter from On-Point Media and Web Design, and Lorna read a letter from Bella Vista Community Television for consideration by the Board.  There was no interest in either letter, so the Board declined to pursue any further.
PUBLICITY  --  Merle will make inquiries with KUAF conducting an interview segment with an RNCIC representative for community awareness of the Fayetteville National Cemetery and the RNCIC.
PROPERTY  BOUNDARY  --  With the purchase of Lots #1, 5, 8, and 8A  Ron obtained a copy of the official survey from the Washington County Assessor’s Office showing the RNCIC’s northern boundary between Government Avenue and Hill Avenue.
Roger made the motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Jake, and the vote was unanimous.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lorna Sterrett, Secretary
The next regular meeting will be MARCH 14, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at the American Legion Post 27, 1195 So. Curtis Ave, Fayetteville, AR. 
If members have suggestions for matters to be discussed at the March 14 meeting, please notify Ron Butler at 479-445-8336 or via email at  Please don’t wait for the meeting.  They need to be included in the meeting agenda.
Please report all changes of address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. to Lorna.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Agenda for Feb. 14, 2015, meeting of Regional National Cemetery Improvement Corporation

RNCIC Agenda Feb. 14 meeting‏

RNCIC Agenda Feb. 14 meeting

To: Frank Burggraf, Ron Butler, Willis (Mac) Cooper, Harold Crivello, Gary Culp, Ed and Angie Baker, Jim Glover, Lauren Hawkins, Pete Hieronimus, Terry Hunt, Renee Hunt, Luverne Indorf, Steve Isaacson, Jake Lamkins, Cliff Madewell, Roger McClain, Peggy, Richard Richards, Tom Ruck, Josh Sakon, Budd Saunders, Aubrey Shepherd, Lorna Sterrett, Wes Stites, Merle Williams


P. O. Box 4221 – Fayetteville, AR  72702


AGENDA FOR THE  February 14, 2015, MEETING  -  10:00 a.m.

Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance


Welcome to new members and guests

Approval of January 2015 Minutes

Approval of January 2015 Financial Statement

Publicity Report

Web Master’s Report

History Project


2014 Veterans 5K Race – Summary Report information

2014 Annual Reports – Questions/Comments?

2014 - 2015 financial planning

Other old business


2015 Veterans 5K Race planning ( draft organization chart)

Distribution of Official RNCIC meeting minutes

Web site analysis (Ron)

Letter from Bella Vista Community Television (Lorna)

Other new business


Members of the Board are urged to present any items of concern to the assembled Board for consideration. Please send your concerns to Ron by phone at 479-445-8336 or email at                 

Bring your copy of the Agenda to the meeting if you wish to have it for reference.

                                    The History Committee will meet after the regular meeting.