Post Office Box 4221 Fayetteville, AR 72702
Meeting at the American Legion Post 27, 1195 So. Curtis Ave., Fayetteville at 10:30 a.m. AGENDA for 9 February 2013
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Recognize New Members & Guests
Minutes of January 2013 Meeting
Treasurers Report
Publicity Report
Web Manager’s Report
OLD BUSINESS Fourth Annual 5 KM Race - Timeline Update (Wes)
Annual Reports - (See Sheet)
Any Other Old Business??
Goals & Objectives for 2013
Financial Posture
Land Acquisition
Timeline for 2013 Veterans 5 KM Race (On time - On Track)
Marketing for 2013
Any Other New Business ??
Motion to Adjourn
P.O. BOX 4221
Minutes from the JANUARY 12, 2013, Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by President Ron Butler. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Harold offered the prayer. This meeting followed the presentation of a check for $3,000 to the RNCIC as a project award from the Northwest Arkansas Economic Development District. The presentation took place at 10 a.m. on the most recently purchased lots 20 and 20A on the southwest corner of the Cemetery.
Board members present were: Ron Butler, Merle Williams, Lorna Sterrett, Harold Crivello, Jake Lamkins, Aubrey Shepherd, and Wes Stites. Board members absent: Peggy McClain, Roger McClain, and Budd Saunders. Other RNCIC members present – Jim Glover, Josh Sakon, and new life member, Gary Culp. Visitors present - None.
Minutes of the December meeting were presented. Wes made the motion to accept the minutes as written, it was seconded by Jim, and the vote was unanimous. The December 31, 2012,Financial Statement was presented with an ending balance of $6,352.51. Jake made the motion to accept the financial statement as written, it was seconded by Aubrey, and the vote was unanimous. The financial report from the Nov. 10, 2012, 5K Race was presented with a net profit of $9, 264.60 – the best so far.
Merle reported that he had contacted the three local TV stations and the newspaper regarding the project award presented this morning. Merle attended the Fayetteville Rotary Club meeting in January, and will learn the amount of donations for the RNCIC in February. Ron also spoke at the United Lutheran Church Men’s Club program in Bella Vista on Jan. 7.
Jake reported that in the past month there were 44 visits to the web site.
Merle submitted a Thank You letter to the newspapers thanking the sponsors, donors, runners, and support volunteers who made the race a success. Wes reported that there were 130 runners signed up for the 2012 race not counting the ROTC group.
Ron presented a timeline for the 5th annual 5K Race to be held in Nov. 2013. Wes will manage the timeline, and it will be discussed each month. Wes will start by updating the race letter, sponsorship levels, and draft brochure for earlier distribution. Jake made a motion to change the Sponsorship Levels to “Four Star **** - Three Star *** - Two Star ** - and One Star *”. It was seconded by Harold, and the vote was unanimous.
Annual Reports from the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity, Web Master, and Special Projects (Race, etc.) will be due at the February meeting.
Ron presented the Goals & Objectives for 2013: (1) Membership, (2) Improving financial posture, (3) Land acquisition. Ron has submitted a letter to the owner of Lot #19, and read the response to the membership. It remains a source of rental income for the owners, but they know that ultimately the property should be sold for Cemetery use. The group discussed getting a written letter from the owners giving the RNCIC the first option to buy; and in the meantime we should pursue purchasing other properties to the north to expand our boundaries in that direction. Ron will ask Peggy to prepare an updated RNCIC Property List.
Ron read a letter which he had received from Mrs. Alan Ames expressing interest in purchasing the RNCIC’s newly acquired property of Lots 20 & 20A. It was agreed that Ron would send a reply stating that “The RNCIC Board of Directors is not interested in selling the property. Instead, it will be turned over to the Veterans Administration for National Cemetery expansion.”
Ron appointed three members – Gary Culp, Jim Glover, and Aubrey Shepherd – to conduct a year-end financial audit of the RNCIC treasurer’s records at the close of the February meeting.
Ron suggested that someone monitor a web site for non-profits, that being “KATYA’S Non-Profit Marketing Blog,” in an effort to develop marketing.
It was also reported by Ron that he has received correspondence from the IRS accepting the RNCIC as a PC (Public Charity).
The Annual Meeting was held with the election of members for the Board of Directors. Jake presented an amended Nominating Report. Merle made the motion to elect Jake Lamkins, Peggy McClain, Lorna Sterrett, and Wes Stites for a three year term at the end of 2015. Jim Glover and Gary Culp were nominated to fill the terms of Virginia Middleton and Beverley Swaim both at the end of 2014. The motion was seconded by Aubrey and the vote was unanimous. Ron installed the new members of the Board of Directors.
Jake made the motion to elect the incumbents for the Officers for the 2013 Year. They are: Ron Butler, President; Merle Williams, Vice President; Lorna Sterrett, Secretary, and Harold Crivello, Treasurer. Aubrey seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Jake read the installation for the Officers for 2013.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:55. If members have any items to be discussed at next month’s meeting, please notify Ron Butler so they may be placed on the agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Lorna Sterrett, Secretary
Attendance at the monthly RNCIC Board meetings is required according to Article IV, Section 8. Failure of any of the 12 elected Board members to attend four consecutive
Board meetings may result in their removal by a vote of the Board.